Hand Made Instruments
Flower Pot Drums
Dugamuns (Kids Drums)
Flower Pot


A Display of Hand Made instruments at the 2002 Edmonton Folk Festival

Treefrog Percussion was founded with the vision of making unique, high quality instruments in a small workshop. To learn, see, and hear more about Treefrog Percussion’s fine instruments, click on one of the photos above.

Leo’s first forays into drum construction were in 2000 when he built his first djembes with the help of a mentor, artist Carla Nemo, who pioneered the design and built instruments for several years under the name "Crow Drums". After building these first 18 drums with basic tools and skills, he upgraded the shop to be able to build drums of his own design. Carla's artistic vision of the drums can still be seen in his djembes.

But djembes were just the start of it - before long he had made his first pine Ashikos, then a set of Xylophones for a school, then his first Dunduns and many, many Flowerpot Drums. Then he built 3 Dugamuns, a drum of his own design and name, and several great Cajons. He is currently working on the design for a drum he calls a djembek - a cross between a Djembe and Doumbek - with the design and tone of his wooden djembes and the size, shape and weight of a Doumbek.

Leo says
“ I am especially proud of my instruments and strive to build them using all the attention to detail and craftsmanship I can. I stand behind everything I build, because it is such a refection of who I am”

Leo’s busy teaching and repair schedule does not permit him to build now as much as he would like. Now most instruments are made on a build-to-order only basis.  However, you can certainly check at the store to see what is available now or will be available soon.  Of course, special orders are always accepted. Please contact us if you have any requests!
